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three sets of hands reaching to touch a disco ball with the text: Shiny Object Syndrome. Image for blog post about why women with ADHD need to avoid it in their business.

Why We Need To Overcome Shiny Object Syndrome


Dear neurodivergent entrepreneur

I love shiny new objects. I recently purchased a quaint brown glass pear from an antique centre to rest on my mantlepiece. Every time I walk by, I can't help but smile as it catches the light. 

Embracing anything new is a joy, isn't it—even new ideas and opportunities?

But when we shift this allure to our business lives, particularly for those of us living with ADHD, things tend to get a bit messy.


The Necessity of Conquering Shiny Object Syndrome


As someone with ADHD, I’m perpetually attracted to new opportunities, each one promising to revolutionize my business. Sound familiar? This distraction isn't just my burden—many clients face it, too. Whether it’s a new training, a social media platform, or a different niche, the temptation is real and endless.

None of these ideas are flawed per se. In fact, they can be fantastic when implemented one at a time and when we have the capacity. And here's the kicker—they must align with our long-term goals.

If you're anything like I used to be, you probably don’t stop to consider if these ideas fit into a broader strategy. Instead, you find your head turned in multiple directions simultaneously, leading to energy drain, overwhelming anxiety, and, worst of all, emotional burnout. The transformation we seek rarely materializes, leaving us disillusioned and exhausted.


The Impact of Shiny Object Syndrome on Neurodiverse Entrepreneurs


Energy Drain

Our energy is a precious commodity. Chasing every new opportunity consumes our minimal reserves, leaving us exhausted. Our excitement wanes quickly, and we're left feeling drained and ashamed. Instead of making progress, we end up in a cycle of energy depletion, constantly moving but rarely advancing.


Overwhelm and Anxiety

Each new shiny object adds layers of complexity and pressure to our minds. Before long, we find ourselves buried under a mountain of unfinished projects and to-do lists that never seem to get shorter, trying to keep everything balanced while anxiety builds.


Lack of Focus

When our attention is too scattered, our efforts dilute, resulting in subpar outcomes. It’s like trying to water an entire garden with an egg cup—no single flower gets enough nourishment to bloom fully. In the end, we're left frustrated with a business that doesn't reflect our true potential.


Inconsistent Progress

Each new trend disrupts our ongoing projects, causing erratic progress. Imagine driving towards a clear destination but constantly taking enticing detours—eventually, you're lost, and your tank is nearly empty.


Emotional Burnout

The cycle of emotional highs and lows from relentless pursuit of new ideas can take a significant toll on our wellbeing. That initial burst of excitement, followed by disillusionment, erodes our emotional strength over time. Passion and drive diminish as we continually hit dead ends. This leaves us worn out, demotivated and sometimes depressed.


Understanding Shiny Object Syndrome in Business


Our ADHD brains are wired for novelty; we crave stimulation. However, understanding the cost of this pursuit, we must consciously protect our energy and focus. 

Just as light can start a fire when concentrated through a magnifying glass, our energy can yield remarkable results when focused on a single goal.

What if we allowed ourselves a little indulgence in other areas to feed our need for novelty instead? For me, I let my shiny object syndrome run wild with new books—travel and, occasionally, clothes (although I've become more mindful of this, considering the impact of fast fashion on our planet).


Strategies to Combat Shiny Object Syndrome


Identify Core Goals and Strategies

Take the time to identify your business’s core goals and the strategies to achieve them.

For instance, if your goal is to attract 20 new clients this year, your strategy might be to focus on one social media platform/ write blog posts/appear on podcasts/ pay for ads/public speaking events.

Remember, all strategies work when implemented effectively. Your task is to decide which one will work best for you—meaning, choose the one you're best at, most comfortable with, enjoy the most and align with your nervous system. 


Set Clear Boundaries

Learn to say "No" to distractions. This isn’t about missing out but about preserving your energy for what truly matters. Set boundaries to protect your time and attention.

Seek Accountability

Find an accountability partner or mentor. Regular check-ins can help you stay committed and navigate potential pitfalls.

Celebrate Small Wins

Acknowledge and celebrate small milestones. These victories boost motivation and remind you of your progress.


Wrapping Up

I'm no longer willing to jeopardize my wellbeing or my business by chasing after shiny objects. I stay focused and resist the allure of anything new—no matter how enticing it may seem at first glance—unless it aligns with my goals and well-considered strategies.

My ADHD journey has taught me the importance of staying grounded and focusing on what truly matters.

We can build resilient and fulfilling businesses by protecting our energy and honing in on our core goals.

Shiny objects may be tempting, but the real treasure lies in the steady, focused pursuit of our primary objectives. 


Unlock Peace & Profit in your Business

4 (surprisingly simple!) strategies for neurodiverse women
  • Reduce the paralysing overwhelm you feel when you consider your business.

  • Rise from the ashes of burnout, rejuvenated and empowered.

  • Tap into your unique gifts and watch your bank account flourish—reflecting the actual value you bring to the world.

(One strategy delivered each day for the next 4 days - so there's no overwhelm).