New Year: Respect Your Energy Levels in 2025
Dear Neurodivergent Entrepreneur
Happy first Monday of January! As a self-employed neurodivergent woman, Mondays can be a source of excitement and possibility because we’re the boss! How fabulous. The freedom to structure our week exactly how we want it, based on our unique needs and strengths is so empowering and never loses its shine.
When I worked in a hideous office environment weekends were a mix of trying to recover from overstimulation and dread about returning to work. Fridays were spent numbing with alcohol, while Saturdays were a juggling act of family commitments and social obligations. By Saturday evening, anxiety would creep in, as thoughts of the upcoming workweek loomed heavily. Sundays were filled resentfully with housework and preparations for the week ahead, punctuated by a much-needed afternoon nap to recharge. Thank god those days are over.
Mondays are no longer dreaded. On Sunday evening I’m genuinely buzzing about the week ahead. Anything can happen - and oh how exciting that is. And also I have nobody telling me what to do and I’ve created a schedule that accommodates my ND needs. If you haven’t already I encourage you to do the same.
For example, I've learned to structure my workday around my natural energy rhythms and cognitive strengths. In the mornings, when my creativity is at its peak, I focus on tasks that require imagination and originality, such as strategy, planning and writing blog posts.
As the day progresses and my creative spark begins to wane, I shift my attention to more structured and methodical tasks, like managing accounts, updating my website's backend, or editing my work.
After lunch, I always carve out a couple of hours for a break and I’ll often do a Yoga Nidra meditation while lying on my bed (this one with Kamini Desai is a particular favourite).
This unique style of meditation is brilliant for ND individuals because it’s centred on the art of doing nothing. This may seem counterintuitive for those of us with ADHD, but with the help of this technique, it becomes easy and it’s highly rejuvenating. Even first-time meditators can experience profound states of deep relaxation through the practice of Yoga Nidra. The best bit? No will, discipline or effort is needed - yay.
That said, sometimes even after meditating, my cognition still isn’t quite sharp enough for more work and there are times when it's more productive for me to rest rather than push through. I know from experience that if I don’t listen to my mind and body and stop when I need to it will eventually lead to burnout. I’m not prepared to put myself through that again.
I've come to accept that there are days when I can only work a handful of hours, and that's okay. I've learned to let go of measuring myself against neurotypical capitalist standards of productivity, which fail to account for our unique challenges and needs.
When I have client sessions scheduled, my day takes on a completely different structure, as I want my clients to receive the very best of me. On these days, I prioritise charging myself up through exercise and meditation, conserving my energy so that I can be fully present, focused and bursting with creative energy for each session.
As neurodivergent entrepreneurs, we must get curious about our unique energy patterns and work to structure our days accordingly.
Another example is one of my clients works from 6 until 11 am as she feels most productive then. She then takes the entire afternoon off to engage in activities like running, walking in nature and painting, which help her recharge and also stimulate her mind in other ways. After dinner, feeling refreshed and inspired, she returns to work for a few more hours, making the most of her natural energy cycle.
This timetable wouldn’t suit me, as I like to exercise first thing to regulate my nervous system, and my cognition is slow in the evening. But hopefully, from hearing a couple of examples of different routines, you may be able to begin to see what kind of structure might suit you the best.
I encourage you to embrace the freedom and flexibility that comes with running your own business.
As we kick off this first week of January, let's approach it with a sense of excitement and possibility. Embrace your strengths, be kind to yourself, and remember that neurodivergence is an asset in the entrepreneurial world.
What You Might Have Missed:
If you’re a UK citizen I’m now accepting Access To Work payments. You can read more about this here. I encourage EVERYONE to apply for this incredible financial support for ND women
Here's to a quiet yet successful year ahead.
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